September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Frangokastello: the legendary castle in Chania that stands out for its eerie aura

Frangokastello in Chania may not be as widely known as, for example, the Hospitaller castle in Rhodes, but it stands out for its eerie aura and the legend that stands behind it.

This small castle, where important historical events took place during the Venetian and Ottoman empires, is located 75 km from Chania and 15 km from Chora Sfakia. Every year at the end of May, the castle is the focus of stories and stories from local residents, especially the older generation.

One of them is an event directly related to the myth of drosulites (ghosts), which “wakes up” every year in the last days of May and the first days of June.

During the Turkish occupation, Haji Michael Dalianis and a group of warriors, 600 in all, resisted the besiegers, defending the castle for over a week, fighting 8,000 Turks. However, in the end, 335 of them died, including Dalianis. According to tradition, the bodies of the dead soldiers were left unburied, covered with sand blown by strong winds from the nearby beach of Orti Ammos.

Therefore, every year at the end of spring these warriors “wake up” and wander after each other for about 10 minutes at sunrise. The shadows that go to the castle and disappear into the sea are visible only during apnea and high humidity in the atmosphere in the morning.

Although many claim to have seen the shadows of warriors, there is a logical explanation for this – it is a mirage caused by the refraction of the sun's rays in a cloud of morning dew, which is where they get their name “drosulites”.


Apart from Frangokastello, which reminds us of the glorious history of Crete, the visitor can combine a visit to the historical fortress with a refreshing swim on the sandy beach of the same name with shallow waters of Orthi Ammos.

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