September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ottomans – Kurds, Vikings – NATO

Erdogan bent the Americans and the Brits to convince Sweden and Finland to stop any support for Kurdish organizations like the PKK, YPG and FËTO, with which Turkey has a protracted conflict.

Now the way for Scandinavians to join NATO is open. Erdogan knows how to push through his interests, not embarrassed to use either military force or almost open blackmail.

The fate of the Kurds, of course, is sad. Constantly they are unlucky with allies. They would have sent the Americans nafig a few years ago and would have lived happily ever after, having expanded autonomy as part of Syria. And no Erdogan would have done anything to them. And now they will experience all the delights of the “iron guarantees” of the United States in support of their aspirations to gain an independent state.

Well, Russia, represented by the Finns, received a slap in the face. It is difficult to find a more favored country of the West on the part of Russia than Finland. There were probably so many business contacts and tours, and mutual ones, probably with no one. And in one moment, everything goes downhill.

From the Editor: A good and significant example for Greece, when the United States clearly showed how important Turkey is to it as a strategic partner. And now it is clear that in the event of a Turkish attack, it is not worth waiting for help from the allies.

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