September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Boston-Athens direct air service reopens after 25 years

The launch of direct flights between Boston and Athens (Friday May 28) by Delta Airlines, relaunched after 25 years, has attracted public attention.

According to SKAI, the flight will operate three times a week on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, both from Athens and Boston.

Recall that many Greek immigrants live in Boston. On the first flight, 100% occupancy was recorded, the newspaper writes.

In the presence of tour operators from Massachusetts, Delta Airlines Vice President Chuck Imhoff detailed the company’s strategy at a special event in April. And at an event held at Boston Airport on May 28, the CEO of Delta Airlines stressed the importance of a new direct flight as a destination. In a festive atmosphere, after the performance of the Greek national anthem, the folk dance ensemble presented choreographic compositions from different parts of Greece, and then all the guests were invited to taste traditional Greek dishes.

This is how Boston Logan International Airport celebrated the launch of the Boston-Athens direct flight.

Greek-American Massachusetts Governor and former presidential candidate Michael Dukakis hailed the historic bonding of the two communities. The ceremony was attended by the Metropolitan of Boston, Mr. Methodius, and Massport Airport’s chairman of the board, expatriate Leo Evangelidis, who spoke with feeling of his Greek roots from the Epirus region.

Consul General of Greece in Boston Stratos Efthymiou thanked the employees of the airports of Boston and Athens, and praised the work of the employees of the working group of the Consulate General, who worked tirelessly for four years to launch a direct flight, mobilizing everyone and focusing on the field of market research, data analysis , public relations, marketing and airline development.

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