September 22, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Don’t be late: exhibition dedicated to horses in ancient Athens closes

The exhibition “Ιππος: a horse in ancient Athens”, a gift to all lovers of archeology, closes on April 30th. But we still have 4 days to visit this unique exposition.

The exhibition, housed in the Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA), features high aesthetics, precision, cost-effectiveness and unexpected twists, and has been highly praised by visitors since opening in January.

The idea to organize an exhibition dedicated to the ancient society, religion, childhood, strength, beauty, death and love, the horse, as a noble companion and companion of man throughout the ages, is in itself a source of inspiration and reflection. Curated by Professor Jennifer Niels, Director of the ASCSA, the Ιππος exhibit includes more than 50 ancient artifacts, many of which are on display to the public for the first time.

Organized by Paraskevi Gerolimatou and Andreas Georgiadis of Mikri Arktos, the exhibition consists of a series of paths and niches lined with exquisite display cases, aided by well-defined texts. Each of the exhibits is a celebration of the passage of time, but in the library’s Macedonian Hall, in the niche of the Makrygiannis wing, there is an exquisite object waiting for visitors.

The bronze (originally gilded) statue of a horse in a small atmospheric hall is located in the National Archaeological Museum of Florence and was part of the collection of Lorenzo Medici (1449-1492), whose mentor was the scholar Ioannis Argyropoulos (1415-1487), a key figure in the spread of Greek culture in West.

This beautiful piece of art, exhibited for the first time in Greece, revealed an amazing mystery in 2015. “During conservation, three Greek letters (Χ Ν Λ) were found carved on the right side of the horse’s neck, near the mane. This, without a doubt, indicates that the statue is Greek, and that it was cast in the 4th century BC, ”says during the presentation of the exhibition. These extraordinary channels between the Greek and Italian worlds in the 15th century are one of the unexpected parameters of this exhibition, rich in references, narratives and artifacts.

The exhibits come from the collections of the National Archaeological Museum, the Acropolis Museum, the Ephorate of the Antiquities of the City of Athens (Ancient Agora, Keramikos, etc.), the Ephorate of Eastern Attica (including the Vravron Museum), the Ephorate of Piraeus and the Island, the National Archaeological Museum of Florence, the State Museum of Baden (Karlsruhe) and the Numismatic Collection of Alfa-Bank.

The exhibition will run until April 30th.

The address: 54 Souidias Street 106 76 Athens.

Tel. for inquiries: 21 3000 2400

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