September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The President of Greece congratulated the women of Ukraine on March 8

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou honored the women of Ukraine. She expressed support for the women of Ukraine: those who remained to defend their homeland, and those who took the path of fleeing the war as refugees.

Wearing a blue suit and yellow blouse, Sakellaropoulou spoke at a special meeting of the committees for equality and social affairs of the Greek Parliament on the occasion of the day on the theme “The Struggle for the Establishment of Women’s Rights”.

“On a day like today, on a day when women from all over the world who are fighting for a better future are honored, the women of Ukraine are in our hearts and thoughts. Those who remained to fight for their Motherland, who stand unarmed in front of Russian tanks, who listen to the roar of war, hiding in the basements of their houses or in the subway, hugging their babies or carrying them out into the light under the bombardments. And of course, all those who took the path of refugees, holding their children by the hand, supporting their elderly parents, walking miles to avoid trouble,” said the President of the Republic.
“Their pain and anger, their despair and energy are above us,” Sakellaropoulou said, among other things.

She also made special mention of “the many brave Greek women who, at critical moments in our national life, came to the forefront of history and public life, fought, sacrificed themselves, worked hard and made a great contribution to the construction of a new state.”

Ms Sakellaropoulou noted that “despite the important steps that have been taken towards the full and equal enjoyment of one’s rights, there is often a backsliding. The escalation of gender-based violence, the persistence of stereotypes, difficulties at work, and widespread and multifaceted insecurity drain them. The number of murders is on the rise, casting a heavy shadow on our social life. Along with all this, or rather in spite of all this, the women of our country struggle every day to fulfill their many roles, to overthrow discrimination and inequality, to develop freedoms and autonomy. They are successful in their work. They declare their participation in decision-making centers, their promotion to responsible positions. They create. They insist.”

“We have to empower and support these women. But in order to give meaning to this day, let’s all, regardless of gender, mobilize in the battles that are being fought today on several fronts. The fronts that remain open, whether they concern the struggle for life or the struggle for equal rights,” concluded the President of the Republic.

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