September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Metropolitan Seraphim calls priests schismatics

Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus spoke sharply about the priests urging people not to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, calling them schismatics.

Speaking at SKAI on the Calimera program, he said:

“You cannot get sick and enter the church because you spread the disease, become a criminal and kill. As the church said from the first moment, she advised her flock that during a pandemic we build a wall of immunity in two ways: either by artificial immunity by vaccination, or by natural immunity, by disease. But the disease carries a high risk of intubation and death. Thus, artificial immunity by vaccination is the state’s method of reaching the immune wall and overcoming the pandemic. The church proclaimed this from the first moment ”.

Metropolitan Seraphim explained that there are no reasons that exclude vaccinations from the point of view of religion:

“The big problem is that institutions in our country don’t work, that is, justice, police, cybercrime, and they left uncontrolled websites that spread terrible things about vaccinations. When it is read that a 15-year-old died of a heart attack after being vaccinated, the constant flow of false information creates the problem of the unvaccinated. They are spreading monsters without knowing it. “

He also stressed that humanity has entered an era when science and power are being destroyed:

“Today every specialist is in everything, and this is the arrogance of ignorance. It is necessary to change the course of events, suppressing false news that convince ignorant people to accept a priori lies and ideologies. “

Moreover, Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus emphasized that doubting medical science offends God, since God’s Word states that medicine was inspired by God:

The church is a body. This is not an uncontrolled space. Unfortunately, many do not accept the church. The Church is expressed by the Holy Synod, not by every priest. Disrespect for the body of the church has consequences. In this case, we are heading towards anarchy and schismaticism. Those who do this are split-minded, out of the body.

When asked about calls of the Holy Synod to subject believers to a quick check for church attendance, Metropolitan of Piraeus replied that priests cannot conduct checks in the presence of the police. However, they comply with all prescribed measures: they use ventilation systems, comply with quotas per square meter, everyone present is wearing masks. He called for personal responsibility of every believer:

“Those who enter the temple bear a tremendous personal responsibility. You cannot get sick and enter the place of worship, meeting, because then you spread the disease, become a criminal and kill. “

Let us remind you that the Holy Synod calls on the clergy and all believers to comply with all protective measures – the unvaccinated to undergo diagnostic tests (Rapid or pcr), and those who were vaccinated 6 months ago to take the third dose. He emphasizes the obligation of priests, nuns and singers, in the absence of vaccinations, to be tested twice a week (express or pcr). Church councils took it upon themselves to exercise control over this.

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