September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Knife assault in a city park

Nightmarish moments had to go through a couple walking in a grove of Nea Philadelphia (Athens), when a group of hooded people approached her and, threatening with cold weapons, took away bags and valuables.

A couple in New Philadelphia was attacked with a knife by six robbers with the intention of robbing them. According to the 37-year-old victim, he was stabbed in the thigh while he was with his girlfriend in the grove (Άλσος της Νέας Φιλαδέλφειας).
Speaking on the ALPHA channel, he stressed that he received “fatal blows, but was miraculously saved.”

The man explained that the criminals aggressively approached his girlfriend, and then one of them pulled out a knife and wounded him, and when he fell to the ground, he received blows to the head and body.

The attackers confiscated the couple’s cell phones and bags, and a grove guard found empty wallets at the scene the next day.

Residents of the area emphasize that this was not the first robbery in this forest park. Unfortunately, there have been many similar violent incidents here.

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