September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Armed bank robbery caught on video

Shocking scenes of armed robbery of a bank in the Nea Philadelphia (Athens) area, in which a hostage was taken, were made public.

The robbery occurred at 1:50 pm, shortly before the closure of the bank branch located at 90 Dekelias Street in Nea Philadelphia. The perpetrator, wearing a hat and medical mask, pulled out a pistol, immobilized several customers and employees, and demanded money from the cashier.

When the cashier began to deliberately “play for time” before the arrival of the police, as it should be according to the instructions, robber forced one visitor to the bank, who, to his misfortune, found himself inside the hall at that fateful moment, sit on the floor and grabbed another woman as a hostage, poking her in the side with a pistol, after which he returned to the cash register.

The cashier gave the criminal about 5,000 euros, with which he fled. Law enforcement officials obtained footage from CCTV cameras in the area, and also examined the scene for fingerprints.

The police were in luck: the robber was caught on video and did not use gloves. Therefore, as expected, catching him is a matter of a matter of days.

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