September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Athens city center continues to transform: Theater Square

According to the municipality of Athens, a public tender is starting to identify a contractor company that will radically reconstruct the historic Theater Square, located in the center of Athens, behind the city hall.

The budget project in the amount of 1,900,000 euros is financed from European resources, based on the approved architectural plan.

The radical reconstruction of the Theater Square (πλατείας Θεάτρου) is aimed at revitalizing its public space. Besides the technical and environmental aspects, the social dimension is also an important element.

The square traditionally served as a meeting place and communication for the townspeople who loved to spend their free time there. Around Διπλάρειο Σχολή, architectural changes will be made on the Teatru and Diplari pedestrian streets.

The project provides an aesthetic and ecological renovation of the space, the promotion of the cultural elements of the area, an increase in the efficiency and accessibility of public space for pedestrians, the creation of those functional conditions that will increase the use of residential premises in the area and the feeling of safety of residents and passers-by 24 hours a day.

The purpose of the architectural approach is to connect the present with the historical memory of the city, to create a public space for individual and collective events, cultural leisure.

This renovation project is part of a new philosophy of projects launched by the municipality, one of the first, which together with the subsequent ones redefines the face of the historical and commercial center of Athens.

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