An OCU cleric will ask his “god” about where it is better to drop an iron asteroid to destroy Moscow...
From 2025, new measures will be introduced for pilgrims’ access to Mount Athos. What's changing? The Holy Community of Athos...
Artist Georgios Koftis has created a symbolic piece in memory of the victims of the Tempie train disaster and reports...
Several companies are planning to develop drugs against tumors, including skin cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer Professor Christoph von...
Two divers have made an amazing discovery, uncovering hundreds of ancient Greek and Roman artifacts in Abu Qir Bay not...
It is not without reason that they say that people's friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than any wealth. The...
Universe... society... absence of war: from different meanings of a unique Russian word "world" Today the latter has acquired particular...
Back in 1854, just before Christmas, the country's first decorated Christmas tree appeared in a Greek home. It was established...
Christmas is a big holiday and an important day for everyone in Greece, especially for children and single citizens. Christmas...
Sent to prison gay couple from Georgia, they are convicted of sexually abusing two adopted sons. William And Zachary Zulock34...
“You've probably read about the attempt to blow up our headquarters at the Great Britain Hotel. I don't think it...
Commissioner for the Development of the Ukrainian Language Taras Kremin expressed dissatisfaction with decrease in the share of the Ukrainian...