September 29, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

CERN: Greek will take the reins of the research center

Greek professor Konstantinos Fundas was elected to the position of President of the Council of CERN in Geneva for a term of office from 2025 to 2027 through a competitive process along with two other candidates, the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

According to the Ministry, his election is particularly significant because Mr. Fundas, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Ioannina and Greek Scientific Representative at CERN, is the first Greek to take the reins of CERN. Electoral success driven by a focused and strategically organized diplomatic strategy, as well as the scientific prestige of the Greek candidate.

Today, CERN is 70 years old, has 24 member states (Greece was a founding member), employs approximately 2,600 staff, and offers services to more than 600 research institutes and universities around the world.

CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is one of the largest and most respected scientific centers in the world. It was founded in 1954 and is located in Geneva, Switzerland. CERN's main goal is the study of fundamental physics, the study of what the Universe is made of and how it works.

CERN is known for its major projects such as Large Hadron Collider (LHC)which is used to study elementary particles and their interactions. Thousands of scientists from different countries work at CERN, joining forces to achieve new scientific discoveries.

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