September 29, 2024

Athens News

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"Death capsule" Sarco tested in Switzerland, authorities opened a criminal case (video)

In Switzerland, for the first time, a “euthanasia capsule” was used in reality; a 64-year-old American woman took her own life.

Several people were detained writes Euronews, an investigation is underway. A criminal case has been initiated “on incitement to suicide” and “assistance in committing suicide.”

It's about first known use of Sarco's “death capsule”. Behind the development is the non-profit organization Exit International, which advocates the legalization of voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide.

There is a button inside the Sarco that, when pressed, injects nitrogen into a sealed chamber. The person inside, who decides to die, falls asleep and dies from suffocation within a few minutes.

Exit International said that the capsule was used in the commune of Mörishausen by an American woman who suffered from a “severe immune disease.” The official statement says that the only person present during the process was the co-chairman of the Swiss branch of the NGO, Florian Willet. After all, he described the woman's death as “peaceful, quick and dignified.”

Elisabeth Bohm-Schneider, the Minister of Health, stated in Parliament that the use of a lethal capsule for euthanasia is illegal:

“Firstly, it does not comply with the requirements of the product safety law. Secondly, the use of nitrogen is contrary to the law on the use of chemicals.”

The local prosecutor's office, as previously reported by the Swiss newspaper Blick, warned Exit International in July of this year that if it used innovative technology in the country, it would threaten criminal prosecution and punishment of imprisonment for up to five years.

Meanwhile Swiss law allows assisted suicide, provided that the person commits suicide himself, and those helping him in this do not have “any selfish motives.”

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