September 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Meteorologists – "panic predictors"

Forecasters are warning of future changes in the weather starting Sunday. However, Yiannis Kallianos, a renowned meteorologist, is critical of his colleagues, calling them “panic forecasters.”

In his post he addresses his colleagues: “Panic Forecasters: Chasing Glory Through Weather “Disasters.” It is unfortunate to observe how some Internet weather forecasters, pursuing personal interests, tend to exaggerate and dramatize weather conditions. These unsubstantiated reports of supposed extreme events only serve their ambition to get their name out there.

However, the reality is simple and clear: inThe weekend will be warm and not “pitch hell” as reported a few days ago. Temperatures are expected to range from 32 to 34°C. In Viotia and Phthiotis the temperature can even reach 35°C. Every year in September we experience similar increases in temperature. However, from Monday the temperature will begin to drop by an average of 8°C, reaching 26-27°C, which is quite normal for the end of September. Some are calling this drop a “flash drop in mercury due to a cold front.” However this the temperature drop will be neither excessive nor dangerous.

Also on Monday, northwest winds of force 5 to 7 on the Beaufort scale, and in some places possibly even force 8, are expected, mainly in the Ionian Sea. Do you consider this a “dangerous change”? Of course not. As for the rains on Sunday and Monday, which some say “will be dangerous and destructive”, they will only affect about 8-10% of the country (mainly Thrace and the north-eastern Aegean). Rainfall will vary from light to moderate intensities, and these areas may also experience sporadic storms.

We all must understand that the temperature is 26-27°C is almost perfect for this season. Turning these normal weather changes into a “climate disaster” is irresponsible and causes unnecessary panic. Professionals in this field should provide accurate and calm information and not resort to exaggeration for the sake of additional advertising. Let's finally stop this “posturing” that undermines public confidence in weather forecasts.

The harsh truth about forecasters. Similar people (many of whom are actually found on the Internet) use citizens' natural anxiety to attract additional attention. It's sad to see weather forecasters who choose the path of exaggeration and “fiction” rather than providing responsible information.

In fact, they serve no one except own vanity. Real meteorology requires coolness, accuracy and truth, not flashy headlines and non-existent forecasts, to keep your name in the news.

In the end we all make mistakes, we are not gods. Sometimes we go beyond our predictions. And the fewer times we quarrel, the more responsible we are to citizens. However, weather forecasting has become a bad show because in many cases exaggeration replaces truth“.

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