September 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus: “The war is going on and will continue to go on until the end of history”

On June 9, 2024, Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus of the Greek Orthodox Church declared that “the war will rage until the end of history,”

about it reports the publication “Romfeya”.

On June 9, 2024, in the Church of St. Dionysius the Areopagite of Piraeus, His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus honored “on this last Sunday of the Easter period, – as he said in his sermon, – three great events of our faith.”

During his Sunday sermon, discussing the healing of the blind accomplished by Christ, Metropolitan Seraphim noted: “Today we heard about the eternal struggle against the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

“The great hatred of the world and the devil is against salvation and communion with God and unity with the Creator of life,” he said, emphasizing that “all the persecutors of the faith who appear from time to time were embodied in the persons of the Pharisees.” He said that the Pharisees did not want to accept the miracle of healing the blind man, “because they did not want to accept God.”

“This happens now and always. People have no logical arguments to interpret life, and they deny it precisely out of hatred for the Creator of life.”said Metropolitan Seraphim.

“The war is on and will continue until the end of history” – His Eminence concluded his sermon, emphasizing: “Our sea protection, protection and strength is the Virgin Mary, and we resort to her so that she will resurrect us to her son and give us communion with heaven both here on earth and in endless eternity.”

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