September 29, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek Evzones in Australia

His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia accepted the mission of the Presidential Guard of the Greek Evzones.

On Good Friday morning in the Archdiocese of Australia in the Melbourne District, the Archbishop of Australia welcomed the Evzone mission from Greece. The delegation of the Evzones of the Greek Presidential Guard was greeted by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, surrounded by His Eminence Metropolitan Ezekiel of Dervi and Diocesan Bishops Kyriakos of Sozopol and Eumenios of Kerasund.

Captain Stavros Kouloubas, head of the mission, conveyed the greetings and congratulations of the President of the Hellenic Republic, Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou, and Major General Vassileos Sakellaropoulos, who remained at the hotel due to illness, tells

His Eminence Mr. Makarios wished the Greek delegation a pleasant stay, referring to the historic nature of their visit to the fifth continent during Holy Week and Orthodox Easter, as well as during the celebration of ANZAC Day on April 25, the national holiday of Australia and New Zealand.

The Archbishop of Australia presented them with collectible coins issued in honor of the celebration in Australia of the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution and stamps from the anniversary series issued by the Australian Post in cooperation with the Archdiocese of Australia.

The Evzones are an elite infantry unit of the Greek army that originated as light infantry during the Greek War of Independence in the early 19th century. Evzones were formed mainly from highlanders. From 1833 they became part of the regular army, from 1940 they served in light infantry units and in the royal guard. Currently, “evzones” are called soldiers of the presidential guard, performing symbolic duties, the main of which is the guard of honor at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

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