February 12, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek buses are equipped with CCTV cameras

Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Vasilis Ikonomou, who is responsible for transport, said: “There are cameras on the buses – who will they record?”

Video cameras will record the actions of those drivers who illegally enter bus lanes. They will be installed in the coming days on the front of three buses, Mr Ikonomou said.

The minister explained that the program is still a pilot. If it proves effective, its widespread use will be considered. According to him, experts say cameras on buses will be crucial in preventing vehicles from entering bus lanes illegally. writes CNN Greece.

Vehicle drivers know where stationary cameras are located on dedicated bus lanes, which helps them exit the bus lanes and immediately return to them when passing the corresponding points. Cameras on buses will prevent such “tricks”.

It is likely that the cameras will record other violations of traffic rules; the minister promised to provide more detailed information in the coming days.

To date, there are only 17 cameras installed on bus lanes, which cannot bear the full load of protecting specific lanes. For drivers who violate the KOC regulations regarding the use of the bus lane, the fine is 200 euros.

In the case of parking in a bus lane, in addition to a fine for entry, the license plates are removed and the vehicle is taken away. Revenue from fines is collected by the local government, not Ο.Α.Σ.Α.the minister emphasized.

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