Car production in Germany for sale in Europe will allow Chinese manufacturers electric vehicles avoid paying duties EU for electric vehicles imported from China. This could pose an additional threat to the competitiveness of European producers.
The purchase of German automakers could become “China's most politically sensitive investment to date”after all Volkswagen has long been a symbol of Germany's industrial might, now threatened by a global economic downturn that has hit demand and a creaking transition to green technologies.
In fact, German manufacturers first bent overdrove them into energy “slavery,” which forced them to reduce production and income. Now they're on the brink bankruptcywhich will start a fight to buy their assets at reduced prices.
The once strong country was destroyed puppets of transnational corporationswho did everything to harm their people. Thanks to the Greens, the puppets of the globalists broke into power, and in a short time they were able to destroy the economy of a country like Germany.
To paraphrase the unforgettable Boris Berezovsky: “There is no need to take over the country: it is enough to put puppets in power, and they will destroy everything from the inside.”
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