February 10, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Murder of 2 Ukrainian servicemen in Germany: what is known about the case

IN Germany Russian man charged with murder of two Ukrainian servicemen “based on their nationality”.

Supreme Regional Court Munich reported that “The Munich Prosecutor General’s Office accuses the defendant, a Russian citizen, of killing two Ukrainian servicemen who were wounded during hostilities with a knife in April 2024 in Murnau, after a dispute about the situation in Ukraine.”. Charges have been brought on two counts of murder.

This violent incident shook idyllic Murnau (Bavaria) in April this year. Alleged criminal Yuri Zh. stabbed to death two Ukrainians aged 23 and 36 years. The dead turned out to be Ukrainian soldiers who were in Germany on medical rehabilitation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reported this shortly after the incident.

Most likely, the men knew each other before the conflict, and a significant amount of alcohol may have played a role in what happened. After the attack Yuri Zh. fled to his apartment located nearby, leaving bloody trailwhich led the investigation straight to his home.

The case was transferred to the Munich General Prosecutor's Office, Bavarian Center for Combating Extremism and Terrorism. The court statement said: “The Prosecutor General’s Office proceeds from the fact that the defendant acted unexpectedly and deprived the victims of the right to life on the basis of their nationality.”.

The chairman of the jury appointed seven court hearings. The process will begin on February 10 next year, and the final decision is scheduled to be made on February 27.

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