February 12, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Xanthi: one child dead, three in serious condition (video)

A tragedy occurred on Friday morning in the village of Magico in Xanthi: due to a gas leak, three children are in serious condition, one died.

The children were discovered by their mother when she came to wake them up. Emergency services were immediately notified. The children were taken to Xanthi hospital, where one of the four, a 16-year-old teenager, lost his battle for life. writes thesstoday. Two sisters, 16 and 18 years old, are intubated, and the third is hospitalized in the pathology clinic.

Police and firefighters determined that a suffocating environment reigned in the basement below the children's bedrooms, as well as outside the house, where work had been carried out the day before to install a gas cylinder and gas tank.

The parents slept on the top floor of the house and the children on the bottom floor, which is why they were the first to lose consciousness due to a gas leak in the basement.

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