February 15, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Bloody tragedy in Zhuhai: car drove into crowd, 35 dead

A tragedy occurred in the Chinese city of Zhuhai: a car crashed into a crowd of people, killing 35 people, the South China Morning Post reports, citing local law enforcement agencies. Another 43 people were injured.

The incident happened on the evening of November 11 near the sports center. The car was driven by a 62-year-old man who was detained while trying to escape. He is currently in the hospital in a coma. As the South China Morning Post clarifies, the man tried to commit suicide and seriously injured himself.


According to preliminary data from BBC News, the reason for his action was dissatisfaction with the results of a property dispute after the divorce.


Witnesses said that at the time of the incident there were several groups of people in the area of ​​the sports center, including the elderly, teenagers and children.

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