September 29, 2024

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Happiness: Research on the Role of Our Expectations in Life

In 2022, Finland topped the ranking of the happiest countries in the world according to the World Happiness Report for the fifth year in a row. These impressive results, which set Finland apart even from other countries with better scores, have given rise to many discussions and theories about the secret to the happiness of its inhabitants.

Some theories link the happiness of Finland and other Nordic countries to factors such as eeconomic prosperity, social equality and time spent in nature. However, other explanations focus on human factors.

A Finnish sociology professor suggests that Finns' happiness may be linked to their tendency to maintain modest expectations in life. While this approach may sound familiar, it contradicts the views of Jolantha Burke, senior lecturer at the RCSI Center for Positive Health Sciences. Burke argues that psychological research shows the opposite, which supports a different approach to understanding happiness:

  1. High expectations motivation. Research has shown that people with clear goals and a defined purpose in life tend to live longer. According to the expert, high expectations play a key role in allowing us to dream big and work hard to achieve them. Ms Burke believes that realistic, high expectations are the driving force behind change.
  2. Optimism and high expectations. Having high expectations helps us share the optimism that characterizes successful people. By expecting the best, we learn to move forward even when faced with obstacles and setbacks.
  3. Limitations of low expectations. Putting low goals, we risk reducing our chances of success. Burke says that low expectations can lead to giving up trying, even if the chances of success are high. This could become self-fulfilling prophecy.
  4. Third party expectations as a catalyst for success. People tend to achieve more when others have high expectations of them. The Pygmalion effect shows that others' belief in our abilities can lead us to greater achievementsthan we think for ourselves. This applies in both education and professional fields.
  5. Beware of setting your expectations too high. Sometimes ours goals may be unattainablebecause we simply follow the example of those around us. Burke recommends being realistic about your options to avoid disappointment or stress.
  6. Managing expectations. It is natural that some goals will not be achieved. Burke notes that managing emotions during times of disappointment helps us cope effectively with problems. The expert also emphasizes that the benefits of setting high goals outweigh the consequences of high expectations.

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