September 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Riots over the death of a Pakistani in the bullpen of Agios Panteleimonos – ultra-leftists demand an investigation

Riots continue in the center of Athens caused by death of a Pakistani at the Agios Panteleimonos police station from “pathological reasons”, while it is reported that one of the policemen was injured.

Along with foreigners, they oppose the police ultra-left activists from the movement “Uniting against Racism and the Fascist Threat” (KEERFA). At the intersection of 3 September and Feron streets, unknown persons in helmets threw Molotov cocktails at the MAT squad. In response, the police bombarded them with chemicals and flash-bang grenades. During the incident, one police officer was wounded in the shoulder. Police made several arrests.

The deceased's name was Muhammad Kamran Asik and he was arrested for stalking a woman.

According to KEERFA statementpolice beat Mohamed Kamran Asik to death at the Agios Panteleimon police station.

“We express our condolences to the mother, wife and three children of Mohamed Kamran. The gruesome images of the lifeless body of Mohamed Kamran Asik, left after inhumane torture at the hands of cannibal police in the hell of Agios Panteleimon, testify to the racist hatred cultivated by the New Democracy government. When it it does not drown refugees in Pylos and women and children in the Aegean Sea, it tortures migrants to death in police stations and shoots gypsies in camps. And with great impudence, the police are trying to hide, as they are doing now, which goes as far as registering them as homeless. that a person with twenty years of experience in the country, with a residence permit since 2017, with a housing contract and a stable job with hundreds of jobs, does not speak Greek.
From 13 to 21 September, when an ambulance takes him dead from the Agios Panteleimon police station, Mohamed Kamran was in 5 police stations, only to die in the last one. Before this, he passed through the police stations of Omonia, Patision, Colonou and N. Ionia. All this time he was not allowed to communicate with numerous relatives and a lawyer. These are departments with a rich history of cooperation with “Golden Dawn” with the police station of Agios Panteleimonos, which was turned into a center for the collective torture of refugees.

At the Agios Panteleimon police station they are hiding the real reasons for Mohamad's death. He was detained in the only place where there are no recording cameras (!!!), and they show how he causes destruction in the area… The ambulance first arrived a few hours after the arrest at Agios Panteleimonos AT and left without taking him to the hospital. Three days later, how did a body full of wounds end up brought to death?

It is impossible to imagine that the investigation is left in the hands of demons in the AT of St. Panteleimon. We demand that the prosecutor's office deal with it, that the security department “Saint Panteleimon” was immediately fired. We will ask the Ombudsman to investigate, as he did in the case of the drowning of 600 refugees in the Pylos shipwreck.

Responsibility for the murder lies with Chrysochoidis and Mitsotakis with their racist policies of devaluing migrants and making them targets for every border guard and police officer.


KEERFA poster calling for a protest meeting scheduled for October 12

We call on trade unions, student associations, left-wing organizations to intensify the struggle to put an end to the racist police brutality of a government that supports the genocide of the Palestinians, a government that is responsible for the crime of 600 drowned refugees from Pylos.

WOLT and EFOOD deli workers, supported by the Attica Food and Tourism Union, stage a strike and demonstration on October 11. We call on all migrants and local workers in the sector to participate en masse and demand that the murder of migrant driver Mohamed Kamran not be hidden. Continue the strike on 10/12 to give a loud response against racist murders and aggression against delivery workers.

We call on students to support the fight by occupying schools against police brutality, to end genocide in Palestine, to end attacks SV for public education.

Relatives leave for Pakistan to bury the deceased and mourn him. Upon their return, we call for a rally on Saturday, October 12, in Victoria Square at 14.30 and a procession to the St. Panteleimon police station.”.

Police report on the arrest and circumstances surrounding the death of Muhammad Kamran Asik:

“Early in the morning of Wednesday, September 18, 2024, the Attica Emergency Response Center received a report that a person with facial injuries was trying to enter a residential building in the Agios Panteleimonas area, banging with his hands and feet on the entrance doors. There lives a woman whom he had previously followed on the street.

Immediately police officers from the ΔΙ.ΑΣ team. went to the scene of the incident, where it turned out that there was a man there, visibly beaten, in a state of amok, under the obvious influence of drugs or alcohol. As a result, he was detained and taken to the local police station. The first actions of the police officers were to ensure the physical integrity of the person, so an ambulance was called to the scene.

While the man was at the police station, the above-mentioned woman showed up, but she did not want to press charges, and his details were first collected verbally, since he did not have an identity document with him. It later turned out that this is a foreigner who was previously detained for an incident related to domestic violence.

Then the accused foreigner, while in the bathroom, began to protest violently in a language incomprehensible to the police. He pulled out the sink with his hands and threw it at the policeman, as a result of which the police officers present tried to restrain him.

The ambulance crew, previously called by the police, arrived and found that the foreigner’s injuries did not require transportation to the hospital. A case was opened against the foreigner and he was arrested for damaging property, disturbing the peace, disobeying the police and refusing to take fingerprints.

On the morning of the same day (Wednesday, September 18, 2024), when the case was opened against him, he appeared before the competent prosecutor and before the court of first instance, and was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 29 months (of which 4 months will be served, and the remaining 25 months will be deferred for 3 years) and a fine.

He was subsequently re-housed at the police station pending transfer to a correctional facility in accordance with the law. However, during his stay in the detention center, a minor incident occurred with his fellow inmates, and he was immediately transferred to another area of ​​the department.

Early on the morning of Saturday, September 21, 2024, he was found unconscious by police officers. An ambulance was called and he was pronounced dead. From the very first moment, the competent prosecutor was informed, who ordered a preliminary investigation, during which, among other things, statements were taken and the premises were searched by criminal investigation officers.

The report of a competent coroner is still awaited. Finally, a preliminary administrative examination has already been appointed for the disciplinary investigation of the case.”, announced EL.AS.

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