September 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Heraklion: after an attack by a high school student, the school principal was hospitalized (video)

Another incident involving an attack on teaching staff occurred at a school in Heraklion. The school principal was sent to the hospital with injuries sustained by a high school student.

It all happened today, September 27, early in the morning. The reason was allegedly that the school principal informed the teenager's parents about his membership in a group of school squatters (καταληψιών).

How writes CNN Greece edition, a student of the 2nd secondary school (Β' Γυμνασίου) was waiting for the principal near the school and attacked him when he got out of the car and headed towards the school building.

The teenager demanded that the man explain why he told his parents that he was in a group of school squatters. From the words he “got to action” – from the blow he received, the school director fell to the ground covered in blood. An ambulance was called for the man, who took him to the hospital.

And literally just another message appeared on this topic: a minor threatened a high school teacher because she received a remark about her mobile phone: a 14-year-old 2nd grade high school student (Β΄ Τάξης Γυμνασίου) was arrested for threatening and assaulting English teacher at Alimos Secondary School 4 following a complaint filed by a teacher.

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