September 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The family of a Ukrainian soldier killed at the front receives half a million euros

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has simplified the receipt of payments in connection with the death of military personnel at the front or disability after injury.

The decision on payments will be made by the Ministry of Veterans of Ukraine, and the money will be transferred to a bank card. In the event of the death of a military serviceman, his relatives will receive 22.7 million hryvnia, which corresponds to 500 thousand euros. The following government approved payment amounts apply:

Upon the death of a military man relatives receive 22.7 million hryvnia (about 500 thousand euros).

If it is established disability group I – 12.1 million hryvnia (260 thousand euros).

If it is established disability group II – 9.84 million hryvnia (210 thousand euros).

At disability group III – 7.57 million hryvnia (160 thousand euros).

Relatives of those killed, but who did not have the status of a military personnel, will receive compensation in the amount of UAH 2.27 millionwhile the fact of their death does not necessarily have to be recorded during martial law, adds Ukrainian edition “Novini”:

“Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 24, 2024 No. 1090 regulates the issue of payment for the death of members of volunteer formations, law enforcement agencies, etc., who do not perform combat missions as part of combat units in a combat zone and not necessarily during martial law. This is a new payment at 2.27 million UAH.”

For the death of a participant in the war with Ukraine in Russia they pay a lump sum benefit and insurance payments. The benefit, which is popularly called the “presidential payment”, in 2024 amounted to 5 million rubles (48,314.49 euros). In addition to this money, the family of the deceased can receive a lump sum and an insurance amount from the SOGAZ company, which insures all Russian military personnel. Their size in 2024 is 4.9 million (47,343.92 euros) and 3.3 million rubles (31,882.27 euros).

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