September 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Brave store employee chases robber and returns stolen money

Despite the danger, an employee of a large supermarket in Koropi bravely rushed to chase a robber who broke into the store with the intention of robbing. Fortunately, he managed to return the stolen money.

The incident took place in front of a frightened customer, with the criminal holding a gun in one hand and an object resembling a grenade in the other. The police arrived at the scene very quickly, but the robber managed to escape.. A little later he robbed a store in Omonia and remains at large to this day.

According to MEGA, CCTV cameras recorded everything that happened at midday last Saturday in the supermarkete. The hooded man entered through the entrance and approached one of the two cash registers. He pointed a gun at the employee and demanded money. In the photo, a customer was visible in front, and on the right was a cleaner who was washing the floor, and at that moment the cash register was closed.

The hooded man changed his position, not bothering the customer, and walked towards the checkout. He continued to hold the gun and called the clerk over to “help” him open the checkout. In the video, the supermarket employee appears calm, trying to buy time. The robber was wearing gloves and was trying not to look in the direction of the cameras. The young officer suspected that both the pistol and the grenade were fake.

At 14:56 the cash register opened and the criminal managed to take some of the money, which, according to information, amounted to between 500 and 600 euros. The rest remained in the hands of the employee, who returned the amount back to the cash register.

Immediately after this, a chase began, the beginning of which was recorded by the supermarket's internal camera, and the end by the external one. The employee managed to take the money from the man in the hood. The criminal himself managed to escape. The police arrived at the scene just 7 minutes after receiving a signal from the supermarket's panic button.

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