September 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Relatives tried to lynch the killer of a 39-year-old parking attendant in Piraeus

Riots broke out outside the courthouse in Piraeus during the trial of a 68-year-old man who brutally murdered a 39-year-old parking attendant in September 2023.

The court sentenced him to life imprisonment

The victim's relatives tried to lynch him. A heavy police presence, the Star reports, tried to calm the boy's angry relatives. Even when the accused was placed in a minibus for transporting convicts, they continued to boo him, beat the car and throw bottles.

The victim's wife and relatives were also there. His wife demanded an exemplary punishment for the criminal to honor his memory. “He only deserved life imprisonment, and that's too little… I hope we can bring some peace to my husband's soul,” – she told Star.

The Unrepentant Accused – What He Claimed

Throughout the trial, the accused was cold and unrepentant, and in his statement, which lasted about an hour, he stated: “He challenged me. He parked his cars on the sidewalk and I couldn't get through.” For the brutal crime, the Piraeus jury sentenced the accused to life imprisonment, without recognizing any mitigating circumstances.

Video of the murder

In the video published by Mega, it is clearly visible how the criminal aims from the right side of the sidewalk at the officer standing on the sidewalk in front of the car. Having knocked him to the ground, the assailant looked at him for a few seconds and, to make sure he had killed him, fired a second bullet into his head and then left the scene of the crime as if nothing had happened.


The victim, an Albanian by origin (pictured above), father of three young childrenwas taken to Tzanee Hospital with serious injuries, where he died. According to some reports, the elderly man had a history of altercations with the parking attendant, as well as with shopkeepers in the area. In the past, he had even threatened a resident of the apartment building where he lives with a gun over a trivial matter, but the police pretended nothing had happened.

On September 15 at noon, according to eyewitnesses, an elderly man left his home with a rifle in his hands and headed to the parking lot, where he shot a man working there twice. According to information, he fired one shot into the chest, and then a control shot to the head. “He ate that dick”the killer told shocked witnesses after cold-bloodedly taking the life of his victim.

He was arrested at his apartment in a nearby block of flats, where he had gone after the murder, and confessed to the crime. He reportedly told police: “He swore at me, spat at me, and I asked him not to park his cars there. He won't go anywhere today.”

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