October 12, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The weather picture is changing: rain and intense thunderstorm activity

Meteorologist Georgios Tsatrafilias predicts a change in the weather in the coming days: a drop in heat, rain and thunderstorms.

The weather will change starting Sunday evening and into Wednesday. In a post on social media, he states: “A cool “window” in the hot August… Good morning! The heat will gradually subside in the country over the next few days. Instability in our region will intensify, resulting in rain. Even more prevalent will be northerly winds with an average intensity of 5-6 on the Beaufort scale.

Rains will be accompanied by intense thunderstorm activity and will occur over the next four days, from Sunday to Wednesday. As for the change in air temperature, it will be 4-5 degrees lower over the three-day period from Monday to Wednesday. Approximately:

  • Athens: 32–34°C
  • Thessaloniki: 32-35°C
  • Patras: 30-31°C
  • Janina: 31-33
  • Heraklion: 30-33°C.

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