February 18, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

K. Mitsotakis from the Ministry of Development: “The practice of transnational corporations is unacceptable – extension of the cheap rural electricity program”

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and new minister Costas Tsiaras, at a meeting at the Ministry of Rural Development, outlined the steps that need to be taken to close the wounds opened in the previous period.

In statements made by the Prime Minister and Minister after the meeting, they focused on the challenges ahead in the primary sector and the speed at which they must move to find solutions.

In his speech, Mr. Mitsotakis said: “Good luck to the new political leadership of the ministry. I must note that over these five years, important work has been done that needs to be continued and accelerated. We have proven in practice that we support workers by resolving issues related to production costs and meeting the fair demands of farmers. I mean the new mechanism for the return of excise taxes on oil. I also mean cheap electricity, and for this reason we will extend the corresponding program.”

“Management pointed out to me what I did not know, that we also face problems with multinational corporations in the field of pesticides… This practice is unacceptable. I will personally continue this work. The “green” transition will happen quickly, but without harm to farmers, – continued the Prime Minister. – The big challenge for the commodities sector is investment in quality and international protection. We have a responsibility to keep young farmers, young ranchers, young fishermen. There is a need to modernize two organizations: ΕΛΓΑ and ΟΠΕΚΕΠΕ.”

“This is an immutable rule for the government: subsidies are collected by those who are entitled to them. I am optimistic that the future of the primary sector is favorable.” he concluded.

Kostas Tsiaras, in turn, noted: “It is clear that the presence of the Prime Minister here demonstrates his great interest in the primary sector. New challenges are being added to the known problematic situations recorded in the past. We must act quickly.”

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