September 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ukrainian drones attacked Russian oil depots in the Rostov region (video)

A drone of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) hit two oil depots in the Rostov region of Russia. Earlier in the day, Russian authorities reported a fire at several oil storage facilities in the Russian city of Azov in the southwestern Rostov region.

According to reports, the drone strike successfully hit the Azovskaya and Azovnefteprodukt oil depots, where 22 oil storage tanks were located. After attacks strong fires started.

“The SBU will continue to apply “unmanned sanctions” against the Russian oil refining complex and reduce the economic potential of the enemy, which provides the aggressor with resources for the war against Ukraine,” the source added. According to local Telegram channels, residents heard explosions, and videos of the fire circulated on social networks.

In total, the SBU carried out 20 successful attacks on Russian oil industry facilities in various regions, the source said. Other previous strikes have been linked to Ukraine's military intelligence (GUR) or the Armed Forces. Rosneft is asking the Kremlin to compensate for the costs of protecting oil refineries from drones.

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