September 15, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

R. Kiyosaki: “The Biden family is the world’s largest crime syndicate”

Renowned economist Robert Kiyosaki explained how the US constantly creates money out of thin air and considers the Biden family to be the world's largest crime syndicate.

“I owe a billion dollars and I don’t care at all because it’s the bank’s problem.”, he said in a recent podcast. However, he said, this is because the nature of fiat money – currencies printed by central banks – is just that: duty. In other words, the richest is the one with the most debts.

In this regard, it is worth noting that when someone deposits money in a bank, the institution records the amount as a liability. The bank keeps part of its clients' deposits as a reserve, and issues the rest on credit. Based on these loans, new deposits are formed in the banking system, and thus new money is actually created.

During this process, banks create liquidity by lending more than they have in reserves, which has a multiplier effect on initial deposits. In addition, when someone deposits money in banks, the banks manage it as a liability because they owe the depositor and at the same time are obligated to pay him interest.

To meet their obligations, banks lend out a portion of the deposits at a higher interest rate. Thus, they also receive income from the contributions of citizens, that is, without engaging in any production activities, they receive profit from the absolute wind.

Kiyosaki divides debt into good and bad, with good debt being those that contribute to wealth, such as loans used to purchase income-producing assets such as real estate, business or investments. He advocates using debt as leverage for investments, especially in real estate, as an effective way to combat market fluctuations and seize opportunities. According to Kiyosaki, if you want to get rich, you need to develop skills, not degrees.

“The number one skill is the ability to manage not money, but debt. In addition, it is important to be able to sell, because sales mean income, as evidenced by the company’s accounts. Anyone who doesn't know how to sell is doomed to zero income.”says the economist.

“Joe Biden’s Marxist left has gone too far in condemning President Trump. Woke liberals have shown how corrupt they are and why Trump calls them a swamp.

Unfortunately Biden is the worst president in history and is hurting himself and his crime family who are finally brought to justice… It will be a cancer for America and the whole world for at least another hundred years. Once he tore down the Mexican border wall, Biden invited perverts, drug dealers and groups of petty criminals into the country who have to steal to survive.

The closure of the Keystone XL pipeline caused oil prices to rise from $30 to $130 in just one week, making life more difficult for poor people. Inflation will remain with us for many years.

The good news is that Biden will not be re-elected. The bad news is the liberal academic swamp that brought the Biden crime family to power… is still in power.

This is why I buy gold, silver and bitcoin. Marxists can control politics and counterfeit money, but they cannot control real money.”concluded Kiyosaki.

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