February 8, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Rooftop Solar Panels: Subsidy Platform Opens for Applications

An online platform that citizens and farmers can apply for receipt subsidies within the framework of the state program “Photovoltaics on the roof”opened at 14:00 on Tuesday, May 2, 2023.

The program is enabling thousands of households and farmers to produce the electricity they need and save money, according to the Energy Department.

The beneficiaries of the Program are households and farmers, who will be able to install their own small photovoltaic installation combined with a storage system (battery).

Photovoltaic Subsidy starts at 45% and goes up to 75% for households. The corresponding percentages for farmers are 40-60%, and the total subsidy for solar panels can reach 16,000 euros for households and 10,000 euros for farmers.

Wherein special discount in the amount of 10% is provided for the disabled, spouses and dependents of the disabled, incomplete, families with three or more children.

It is noted that the main condition for filing an application is that the applicant already signed an agreement on connection with the Greek distribution network operator (DEDDIE), but the PV plant has not yet been connected.

Applying on the site https://pvstegi.gov.grand their approval is carried out directly, quickly and automatically, says the Ministry of the Interior, without the hassle and complicated paperwork, through the DEDDIE electronic platform and the use of TAXISNET codes.

The application system will remain open until the available resources are exhausted with a maximum limit until the end of June 2024.

Each individual can submit one application per dwelling, primary or secondary, having a functioning household power supply. Farmers can apply more than one applicationdepending on the number of agricultural electricity suppliers they have, as well as one application for their place of residence.

The total program budget is 238 million eurosit comes from the Recovery and Resilience Fund and is distributed as follows:

  • Particular attention is paid to vulnerable households, with 45 million euros allocated specifically for them.
  • Exclusively for citizens with individual income <= €20,000 or family income <= €40,000: €100 million
  • Exclusively for citizens with individual income > EUR 20,000 or family income > EUR 40,000: EUR 63 million
  • Exclusively for professional farmers and farmers with special status: 30 million euros.

Solar panels can be placed – on the roof of a building (including awnings, terraces, façades, parasols and pergolas), in building back rooms or agricultural land (such as warehouses and parking lots), or on the ground.

The purpose of the program is fully cover the cost of the battery, as well as the costs of developing and installing a photovoltaic system. For the first two categories, the battery subsidy is 100%, and for the third and fourth categories it is 90%.

Households will be required to install a photovoltaic plant with a battery, and farmers will be given the option to install a photovoltaic plant with or without a battery.

The maximum installed capacity of the subsidized photovoltaic plant is set at 10.8 kW. Accordingly, for the battery, the maximum subsidy is also set at 10.8 kWh.

Regarding the development of projects for low-power solar power plants that fit the subsidized category, you can contact by phone/viber/whatsap/telegram +30 697199 7057 Oleg Konoplev.

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