April 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Visiting cities by foxes is not such a rare occurrence in recent years in Greece. A recent example is the Pilea region in eastern Thessaloniki.

The little fox has been appearing every day for the last period of time, looking for company to play on the banks of the river in Pylaea. The fox appears at night and plays freely with local dogs. Residents filmed this curious moment.

According to the information, animal welfare organizations are looking for the wild animal to be moved to a safer environment, away from the urban complex of Thessaloniki. Foxes are reportedly not uncommon in urban environments.

Expert opinion.

No matter how touching the news was presented to the media, the fact of the contact of the fox with domestic dogs is very alarming. After all, it is well known that it is wild foxes that are carriers of such a serious and deadly disease as rabies. When playing, a fox can bite a domestic dog, the virus enters the bloodstream, and the dog gets sick. And when it comes into contact with the owners, they can also become infected. This should certainly be remembered and, as far as possible, protect domestic animals from contact with wild ones.

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