September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

They wanted to bring Putin to his knees, but they brought their own people to their knees

The German press reports that in 2023 a law will be passed in Germany, according to which all owners of residential buildings are obliged to insulate their buildings to standard D in 10 years, until 2033, and then in 17 subsequent years to zero energy consumption.

The goal of this program is to achieve energy standard D. This should reduce energy consumption and contribute to climate protection. EU plans to become carbon neutral by 2050.

A building’s energy efficiency class “D” in Germany means that its specific energy consumption must be between 100 and 130 kWh/m² per year. Energy consumption is calculated using an energy certificate, which also contains information about energy deficiencies and recommendations for improving energy efficiency.

Edition, however, specifies that the costs for the implementation of this plan per family will be from 15,000 to 100,000 euros. And given the shortage of workers already now, with such a huge demand, prices for work will jump five times. In total, from 75,000 to 500,000 euros for one family, only insulation up to the “D” standard.

If with insulation up to standard D it is still somehow clear, then the zero level is still beyond science fiction and economics, respectively (Note. editions).

The EU also comments on the cost issue on a separate Q&A website. It states: “Energy efficient renovations pay off over time as energy bills are lower and the savings they generate are typically many times the investment needed to improve the overall efficiency of a building.” which will amount to 150 billion euros. It is not yet specified how they will be distributed and how the owners will receive them.

The proposal of the EU Commission does not provide for drastic measures such as expropriation, prohibition of use, lease or sale. Member States decide on sanctions. However, they must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.

However, another German publication claims that not everything is as rosy as they say in the European Commission. According to the publication of one of the largest German financial publications, according to the laws of Germany, even for 100 euros of delay, you can be disconnected from the supply of electricity, gas or water. As of 2021, hundreds of thousands of homes were recorded in the country without electricity and hot water. Without electricity, food can no longer be stored in the refrigerator, and due to the cold outside, it cannot be heated on the stove or in the microwave. This is exactly the problem that a total of 230,015 households in Germany had to face in 2020, according to the 2021 monitoring report prepared by Federal Antimonopoly Office.

And this means, the newspaper notes, that in case of non-compliance with energy independence programs, the owners will be mercilessly fined, up to sale at auction for a pittance for renovation debts – in fact, confiscation of housing.

The decision has not yet been adopted by the European Parliament, but if it is implemented, at least 1/3 of the Germans in 10 years will become homeless and another 1/3 bankrupt. In the light of such a prospect, how can one not recall last year’s Bild publication, where the countries of the “Collective West” promised bring Putin to his knees

A small chronological selection from our German author:

03/11/2014 – KRIM-KRISE – So will der Westen Putin in die Knie zwingen – CRIMEAN CRISIS – This is how the West wants to bring Putin to his knees
03/20/2014 – KRIM-KRISE – So könnte man Putin in die Knie zwingen – CRIMEAN CRISIS – This is how Putin could be brought to his knees
03/26/2014 – KRIM-KRISE – Zwingt der Westen Putin so in die Knie – THE CRIMEAN CRISIS – Does the West put Putin on his knees like this?
06/18/2016 – EU-KRISE – Man merkt, dass man sich selbst ins Knie geschossen hat – EU CRISIS – You can say you shot yourself in the foot
26.01.2022 – UKRAINE-KRISE – Warum Wladimir Putin und Xi Jinping die USA in die Knie zwingen wollen – UKRAINIAN CRISIS – Why Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping want to bring the US to its knees
04/06/2022 – UKRAINE-KRISE – So will der Westen Putin in die Knie zwingen – CRISIS IN UKRAINE – This is how the West wants to bring Putin to his knees –
06/07/2022 – UKRAINE-KRISE – So will Putin den Westen in die Knie zwingen – UKRAINIAN CRISIS – This is how Putin wants to bring the West to its knees
07/11/2022 – UKRAINE-KRISE – Sanktionen können Putin nicht in die Knie zwingen – UKRAINIAN CRISIS – Sanctions cannot bring Putin to his knees
08/14/2022 – UKRAINE-KRISE – Alexei Miller, Putins Gas-General will Europa in die Knie zwingen- UKRAINIAN CRISIS – Alexey Miller, Putin’s gas general, wants to bring Europe to its knees
02/01/2023 – WELT-KRISE – Der Westen will Putin ökonomisch in die Knie zwingen – und scheitert grandios – WORLD CRISIS – West wants to bring Putin to his knees economically – and fails spectacularly
02/21/2023 – WELT KRIEG – Westen hat den Krieg losgetreten -WORLD WAR – The West started the war
02/23/2023 – WELT KRIEG – Russland und die Ukraine – Geschichte eines Krieges – WORLD WAR – Russia and Ukraine – History of one war
03/14/2023 – DAX-Crash am Montag: Wie geht es weiter? – The fall of the DAX on Monday: what’s next?


Banking crisis? Financial crisis? Economic crisis? A crisis of high interest rates on loans? Crisis of non-payments? Stock market crisis? Real estate crisis? Mass unemployment crisis? Housing crisis? A crisis of lack of jobs and workers? Hunger riots and rising prices?

PS It is not yet known whether this initiative will affect Greece, where, despite a warmer climate, almost 50% of housing is not equipped with heating systems, which is why the population is heated on cold winter nights with the help of fireplaces, potbelly stoves or air conditioners. But given the passionate desire of Greek officials to receive grants for these programs, there is such a possibility. And we are talking, of course, about grants for state officials, and not about subsidies for the above programs for the population, which, as experience shows, at best will go to 10% of homeowners.

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