Inflation, the economic crisis, rising prices… Complaints about these factors come from the lips of those who seem to be getting quite a decent salary. Or maybe it’s just that you’re living beyond your means? Seven invisible signs.
Experts suggest checking whether there are signs in your life that the problem of lack of money depends only on you. And they give recommendations on how to correct the situation in case of confirmation.
Reckless Loans
Borrowed money, or a bank loan, is a necessary and even useful thing, designed to solve urgent problems in a timely manner. But only if you have considered whether the loan will bring the desired benefits. For example, you can spend it on education, buy a car, invest in a business, and even buy a brand new gadget. The most important thing is that you calculate whether you can make monthly payments to repay the loan, without limiting yourself to normal nutrition or receiving important services – the treatment of a stomach spoiled by economy can cost a “tidy” sum.
“The 39% Rule”
If the loan you took put you in precisely such difficult conditions, then you are part of the group of people living by the “39% rule” – that is how many people in the world do not have savings in reserve, the amount of which is at least equal to monthly income. In Russia, this figure is 60%, that is, more than half of the population does not have a financial “airbag” that can provide an unexpected trip to the doctor or an urgent repair of home appliances.
Important payments
You are neglecting important payments, and this is an important indicator. You do not pay utility bills and do not rush to the dentist to replace a fallen filling? Are you buying a new gadget or a luxury home appliance instead? Then is it worth complaining later about beriberi, lost teeth and gastritis? You just don’t know how to prioritize…
Old petty debts
You forget to pay off small debts, not considering it important to do it on time. But the problem is that small amounts tend to accumulate, and you develop a sense of irresponsibility – in the case of everything, you can always borrow from someone. But the number of “giver” is not infinite, and the debt swamp is able to “suck”. Adopt a simple rule – pay off a small debt from each salary, reducing the total amount.
Credit card as a means of paying for everyday expenses
If you pay with a credit card for everyday expenses – groceries, utilities, services – this is not a good sign. So the expenses exceeded the income, and the salary goes to pay off the minimum payments on the credit card.
Regular reporting
Economists say that not keeping track of expenses means losing about 30% of your total income. Is it possible to remember a lot of small expenses? Try to write down all the expenses for at least a month, up to a cup of coffee, and you will be surprised how many loopholes the flowing money has. If you don’t want to or are simply afraid to do this, then you definitely live beyond your means, but at the subconscious level you are afraid to admit it to yourself.
Impulsive Acquisitions
A burning desire, here and now, to buy this thing (or something else, but here and now!) Is familiar to many. At the same time, a person does not think about the consequences, relying on “maybe”. If impulsive purchases have become frequent, then this is a sign, according to doctors, of low self-esteem and self-doubt. You will have to fight addiction with the help of a psychologist – this is the best option.
But if you realize and acknowledge the existence of a problem, this is already the first step towards healing. Saving is a sign of sanity, not “beggarness.” Rationality is about investing in the future, not just living for today.
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