February 10, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek police conduct safety training in schools

More than 155,000 students and teachers participated in specialized staff talks and various safety education activities, including internet surfing, anti-bullying, domestic violence and traffic education, organized by the Greek Police in cooperation with the Ministry of Education in schools during 2021 -22 academic years.

According to the Ministry of Citizens’ Protection, pupils and teachers were informed in detail about the methods of prevention and early response. In particular, awareness-raising activities have been carried out aimed at “digital fencing” of children and adolescents so that they understand the dangers lurking on the Internet and use it safely.

As part of the World Safer Internet Day, audio-visual materials were presented with the participation of artists and athletes who spoke about their personal experience of using the Internet and gave useful tips on how to work in it.

The ministry said that special attention was paid to combating bullying and domestic violence, emphasizing the practice of resolving differences peacefully, accepting diversity, fostering respect, solidarity and equality. At the same time, the need to report such behavior to authorities or persons in a trusted position was stressed.

More than 50,000 schoolchildren had the opportunity to receive information on road safety issues.

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