February 17, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Karaoglu: "There is no state with the name Republic of Northern Cyprus"

Theodoros Karaoglu immediately reacted to the indirect attempt of the Turkish delegation participating in the work of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Birmingham (Great Britain) to recognize the occupied territories.

The Turkish delegation indirectly raised the issue of recognizing the occupied territories of Cyprus in order to receive a “direct and resounding answer” from the head of the Greek delegation to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Theodoros Karaoglu, MP from Thessaloniki, the written statement said.

In response, he clearly stated:

“There is no state called the Republic of Northern Cyprus. No country in the world and no international organization such as EUNATO, the UN and the OSCE, for example, do not recognize a state that does not exist.”

In his statement, Mr. Karaoglu refers to “the provocation that the Turkish delegation tried to stage this morning” and explains that “as soon as he heard the unacceptable accusations from the Turkish side, he immediately took the floor, attacking the delegation of a neighboring country”:

“The only thing that exists in the northern part of Cyprus is the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, which corresponds to approximately 40% of the island and was illegally occupied by the Turkish occupation forces that invaded the island of martyrs in 1974.”

Further, he spoke, writes cnn.gr, on the need to strengthen the feeling of “sincerity and trust among the OSCE member states as the basis for security and common cooperation”:

“Stability, prudence, consistency and solidarity are the road map that will enable OSCE members to successfully meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. As for the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, it serves as a catalyst for developments.”

He mentioned Turkey’s aggressive rhetoric towards Greece and deplored Ankara’s insistence “every day inventing a new narrative that maintains a high level of tension in Southeast Europe.”

Karaoglu added that all parliamentary delegations are an integral part of a special political, cultural and value space, from the principles of which no member of the organization should deviate. Defending Greece’s position and specifying that “our country always keeps the door of dialogue open”, he noted:

“Unfortunately, through this aggressive rhetoric, it is clear that even today there are states that behave like a revisionist power and manage international relations in a transactional way. They claim to be a “skilled mediator” pursuing specific geopolitical goals. However, no one should forget that historically, no “neutral”, no matter how “sophisticated” he may consider himself, has won more than those who were on the right side of history.

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