The next vehicle auction is held at Δ.Δ.Δ.Υ. in Magulese in Ano Liosia (Μαγουλέζα στα Άνω Λιόσια). It will take place on Tuesday 5 July at 09:00 am. Parking lots with vehicles posted for auction are open to the public.
Individuals and legal entities are invited to participate in the auction. The cost of cars starts from 300 euros. As of July 1, ready for bidding and placed in the parking lot:
- Eight two-wheeled bicycles.
- One two-wheeled vehicle with a traffic license.
- Two trucks.
- Forty-three cars.
The amount of the deposit for participation in car auctions is 300 euros. The cost of each car includes Φ.Π.Α 24%. At the end of the auction for each vehicle, the last participant signs a protocol recognizing it as the participant of the auction with the highest price, he is invited to make an advance payment in the amount of 20% of the offer price. Payment is made by bank check or payment card.
Individuals wishing to participate in the auction must apply in person. Only in exceptional cases can they participate with an authorized representative, provided that he is a spouse or blood relative up to the second degree, by submitting a declaration of liability in accordance with Law 1599/1986, certified by a public authority. Legal entities participate through a legal representative or by proxy certified by a notary.
The auction is held with the participation of interested parties who have paid a participation guarantee. Auction participants must carry an identity card or any other official identification document (passport, driver’s license, residence permit, etc.). They also provide the committee with their AFM number, tax office (αρμόδια ΔΟΥ) and their status (ιδιότητά).
The wheeled vehicles offered for sale are used, damaged, worn out, defective and in need of repair prior to operation.
An examination may be carried out by the interested parties with the assistance of a technical consultant of their choice, including whatever is deemed necessary, but without the use of tools or other mechanical means and without moving the vehicle to determine the extent of the damage. Under the terms of the auction, cancellations of sales are not accepted.
The commercial vehicle type and year of manufacture are determined by external markings and are indicative. The agency is not responsible for these data or for hidden defects. Prior to the start of the auction, the potential buyer has the opportunity and the right to inspect the cars on their own or with a technical specialist of their choice.
To be accepted, bids must differ from the starting price and from each other by at least 50 euros for the vehicles to be bid. During these meetings, the committee may, at its discretion, adjust the range of the tender at any stage.
Payment of the balance in the amount of 80% of the auction price is mandatory within thirty (30) calendar days from the day following the day of the announcement of the auction results (at a time or in installments). No late requests for settlement extensions will be accepted.
Purchased vehicles can only be picked up by the buyer. In accordance with security measures, they cannot be set in motion on the territory of the warehouse. Visiting the parking lot of the vehicle is allowed on June 30, 2022, July 01, 2022 and July 04, 2022 from 08:30 am to 13:30 pm, reports
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