April 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

ΔΥΠΑ: new programs for 40,000 unemployed

The head of ΔΥΠΑ, Spyros Protopsaltis, announced four new programs for 40,000 unemployed as well as 150,000 workers, with a total budget of 652 million euros.

One is a 100% subsidized work experience program for 10,000 unemployed young people under the age of 29 in the regions of Attica and Central Macedonia. The purpose of the action is to gain 7 months of work experience for 10,000 young unemployed people who have received at least compulsory education in public or private sector enterprises, for their faster integration into the labor market, writes dikaiologitika.gr.

With a total budget of 65,000,000 euros, the program will allocate 6,500 places in Attica and 3,500 in Central Macedonia, and ΔΥΠΑ will pay beneficiaries a monthly compensation equal to the minimum net wage (with full insurance premiums) plus $. holiday gifts (for Easter and Christmas) and holiday gifts.

The action is addressed to private companies, as well as companies, bodies and organizations of the public sector, and local government companies of the first and second degree, regularly carrying out economic activities. The budget will be covered by ΕΣΠΑ funds.

It is expected that in the near future will be fully developed three new internship programs and two major training programs for the unemployed and employed funded by the Recovery Fund.


A business subsidy program to employ 10,000 unemployed people aged 45 and over in high unemployment areas. В рамках 18-месячной программы будут субсидироваться расходы на заработную плату и прочие расходы в размере 13 709 евро для компаний, работающих в регионах Περιφέρειες Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, Δυτικής Ελλάδας, Ανατολικής Μακεδονίας και Θράκης, Θεσσαλίας, Στερεάς Ελλάδας, Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας και Ηπείρου, и в in the amount of 11,995 euros for companies located in other regions.

The beneficiaries of the action are the unemployed who:

  • belong to the most vulnerable groups of the population, such as people with disabilities,
  • prisoners,
  • unemployed who have completed drug treatment programs,
  • young offenders (including those belonging to a social risk group),
  • victims of domestic and gender-based violence who face barriers to their integration or reintegration into the labor market, such as mothers returning after maternity leave (long parental leave),
  • long-term unemployed for more than 24 months,
  • unemployed over 55 with 12 months of unemployment,
  • people with a very low level of education,
  • unemployed from families with one parent, etc.

100% subsidized internship program for 10,000 unemployed young people under the age of 30. The purpose of the promotion is to acquire a 7-month work experience. ΔΥΠΑ will pay beneficiaries a monthly compensation equal to the minimum net wage (with full insurance premiums), as well as holiday bonuses (for Christmas and Easter) and vacation pay.

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