September 18, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Unusual find of a Polish dog

In Poland, pet Kaitus, walking with the owner, discovered the largest treasure in the last 100 years.

The habit of dogs to dig holes in the ground led to an unexpected result – the Polish dog Kaitus got to the bottom of the treasure, safely hidden in the ground. This is the largest such find in the last hundred years. Arkeonews.

In addition to ancient shards, Caitus discovered a clay pot with ancient coins. According to the Federal News Agency, the owner of the dog hurried to take the valuable find to the police of the city of Walbrzych. A group of specialists from the University of Wroclaw immediately went to the place where the treasure was discovered, the publication says. “News”.

The coins in the pot turned out to be valuable and rare – they were issued in the first half of the 13th century by medieval bracteates. Their value lies in a small number of such coins – during use they were changed 2-3 times a year, removing and sending the old ones for remelting and releasing new ones.

All of the coins found are in excellent condition, showing clear images of mermaids, griffins, angels and architectural elements. Presumably, the 360 ​​TV channel reports, they were minted in Brandenburg, Saxony and Silesia. The estimated value of the treasure was not named.

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