Babis Anagostopoulos, at whose hands his wife died, arrived at the court session. He is expected to face a harsh sentence.
As you know, on May 11, 2021, the head of the family called the police and made a statement about the brutal robbery and murder that took place in his house in Glyka Nera, where he lived with his wife Caroline and their only 11-month-old child. Babis Anagostopoulos killed his wife, pet dog and ‘pretended’ for 40 days, giving false evidence.
Today, a 34-year-old prisoner who has been in Korydallos prison for 10 months will appear before mixed jury judges who will consider the crime he admitted against the 20-year-old mother of his child, who has British citizenship.
Caroline’s killer seemed to subtly enjoy the slow death of his wife. According to the medical examiner, the young woman struggled to breathe for a full six minutes. She was found with a cloth wrapped around her neck, tied to a post, and her baby asleep, snuggled up against her mother’s already cooling body.
Anagnostopoulos faces charges of premeditated murder (when calm), cruelty to animals, and two misdemeanors of false accusation because he made others suspects of his actions and constantly perjured himself.
Today, the pilot will “give a fight”, defending his rights so that the charge of premeditated and planned murder (in a calm state) can be dropped from him, and qualified as “in an unstable mental state” and is “manslaughter”.
The defendant will try to convince the judges that the crime was provoked and he immediately reacted to Caroline’s “aggressive behavior towards the child”, that he did not plan anything, and that “other events provoked the situation”, as he stated in his testimony made on June 22, a few hours before his final taken into custody.
However, from today, the family of the murdered Caroline will fight for the most severe punishment for the man who “mocked” everyone for 37 days, mourning the death of his “great love”.
The victim’s side, the Crouch family, does not admit that what happened that fateful night in the family home in Glyka Nera is the result of “affect”. On the contrary, they believe that the crime is rightfully recognized by the court as “pre-planned.”
Caroline’s mother Susan Crouch and two of her friends are expected to testify in court. There were an estimated twenty witnesses in total, including the medical examiner who set the time of death. Also among them is a mental health consultant whom the couple consulted about the problems they faced after Caroline’s first miscarriage. Testimony will be given by the police officers who handled the case, as well as the couple’s neighbor. At the same time, the member of the Marathon Animal Welfare Association, from whose kennel Caroline adopted the dog, will testify in court.
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