How to keep the planet safe from Christmas trees? There are several options to help keep it environmentally friendly.
As reported Sky NewsThere are several ways to minimize carbon emissions by using both live and artificial trees. Moreover, the latter can successfully compete with environmentally friendly living ones. Tiphain Erize, consultant for the Carbon Trust, an environmental certification organization, says:
“If you use an artificial Christmas tree for seven to 20 years, your carbon dioxide emissions will be lower. Thus, the carbon footprint will be lower than that of a real tree. Handing over an old living tree to local authorities to be burned for energy or used for wood chopping or composting will also have a positive impact on environmental safety. For example, composting or shredding can help improve the quality of the soil. ”
In the UK, renting real live Christmas trees has become popular this year. Eco Elf started delivering pot-grown spruce to everyone in early December. After the holidays, the tree is taken and transplanted. A healthy alternative allows you to enjoy the pine scent in your home for Christmas and New Years, and then not throw the tree in the trash.
Renting Christmas trees will help reduce tree felling for the New Year, improving the environmental situation. Melanie Lovell, a client of the company, explains her reason for renting a Christmas tree:
“I will see the same spruce from year to year and watch how it grows. And from an environmental point of view, it is safe, since we do not throw anything away. “
However, living spruce not only increases carbon emissions if it is used one-off. In some cases, it can cause severe health problems. British experts say that every tree contains allergens and as many as 53 types of mold that cause headaches and deterioration of well-being.
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