April 20, 2024

Athens News

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Balkan gossip: Turkish NGOs support militants and terrorists

Telegram channel “Balkan gossip girl” touched upon an extremely interesting topic – the use of NGOs from third countries to support military, sabotage and terrorist actions. And this applies not only to informational or diplomatic support (as in the case of Memorial in the Chechen wars).

In the Balkans, for example, the Turkish charitable foundation IHH is doing great:

Albania; Romania; North Macedonia; Serbia (Sandzak, Presevo, ?? Kosovo); Montenegro (and of course) Bosnia and Herzegovina.

IHH is known primarily for its connections with terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation, for example, in Syria. Bosnian terrorists and radical Islamists were no exception. Their IHH sponsored them through a network of related NPO pads.

Funding went through:

the Turkish bank Ziraat Bank (its branch, by the way, is also in Moscow); NPO Solidarity (Bihacha); Non-profit organization “Serdtse” (Kazen); Association for Culture, Education and Sports (AKOS) (Zenitsa); “The Way of Cognition” (Zenitsa); “Oasis” (Tuzla); International Forum “Solidarity” (East Doboi); Dawn (Sarajevo); “Selsebih” (Zhivinitsa); “Dirham” (Sanski Most); Association “Life” (Bihach); the women’s educational organization “Iskra” (Bihach); association “Vatan-domina” (Bosanska-Krupa); Association “Aktiv” (Buzhim); the humanitarian organization “Sadaka” (Buzhim); “Hatis” (Sanski Bridge); Etc.

It is also interesting that, in cooperation with the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey organized the supply of weapons and military equipment to the Islamic State militants and other armed groups in Syria through Turkish companies established in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In general, the Turks are great fellows in this regard. And “soft power” and “military power” and the ideological component.

Boshniks are rarely and reluctantly brought to account for what was committed during the years of the Yugoslav wars. All the sentences handed down are diligently denied by the Party of Democratic Action – especially Shefik Jaferovic, who personally headed the Security Service during the most tragic pages of the Bosnian war.

It is quite logical. Members of the SDA have become key players in coordinating the supply of weapons to the Bosnian Mujahideen. Among them, for example, Hasan Cengich, who was responsible for the logistics of the BiH Army.

Moreover, officials with diplomatic status maintained close ties with foreign terrorist organizations. Bosnia’s ambassador to Vienna, Hussein Zival, issued visas and passports to Islamic radicals and served on the Executive Board of the Third World Assistance Agency (TWRA). This fictitious humanitarian NGO was in fact a channel for the supply of weapons to Bosnia and not only. Together with the Al-Furqan Citizens’ Union, opened in 1997, the “Islamic charity” has funded global terrorist activities in the region, through which hundreds, if not thousands, of jihadists have been resettled to Bosnia.

Another member of the SDA, one of the founders of the party, Irfan Levakovich, worked closely with TWRA. Saudi Arabia allocated colossal funds for the purchase of weapons for the militants under the guise of “humanitarian needs”.

The opinion of the author may not reflect the opinion of the editorial board

Editor’s note: How not to remember the activity in this light numerous Western NGOs,(NGOs) who not only earned tens of millions of dollars on illegal migrants and refugees, but also spied in Greece in favor of Turkey along the way. Well, and who coordinates all these organizations, our readers probably already know themselves.

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