April 24, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ukrainian firefighters saved two villages

Hundreds of Ukrainian firefighters, who were sent to Greece to help eliminate massive forest fires, fought the fire in the territory of Spataru (Evia island) and saved two villages.

About it reported in the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

During August 7, a consolidated detachment of Ukrainian rescuers eliminated individual fires along the front of 2250 meters, with a depth of up to 200 meters.

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Ukrainian firefighters, who were sent to help, saved two villages / photo: SSNS of Ukraine A hundred Ukrainian rescuers, who were sent to Greece to help with the liquidation of massive forest fires, fought the fire on the territory of Spataru and saved two villages.

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Ukrainian firefighters who were sent to the rescue saved two villages photo: DSNS and the Ukrainian embassy

In particular, firefighters rescued the villages of Spataru and Metokhi, defended 27 residential buildings, 33 outbuildings, 1 granary, 1 shelter for dogs, 1 religious building, 54 beehives and a herd of sheep from fire.

Now the work on liquidation of fires in Greece continues. The Ukrainian Embassy in Greece noted that Ukrainian rescuers helped curb the fire on the island of Evia, which is one of the most affected regions of the country.

“The wind was strong, and at the same time our firefighters managed to save two villages, cattle, warehouses, agricultural machinery. The locals are very satisfied with the work of the Ukrainian firefighters, the guys were fed “, ㅡ they say at the Embassy.

Tears, pride, respect, boundless gratitude.

On the island of Evia, the second largest after Crete and one of the most beautiful islands in Greece, where there is a fight against powerful fires, for the third day, 100 Ukrainian firefighters, day and night, have been recapturing the flames of life. it says in the message of the Embassy of Ukraine.

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Photo: DSNS of Ukraine

Today, due to the change in wind gusts, our guys, together with their colleagues from Romania, were forced to change their deployment three times, but quickly coped with the fire, defending the villages of Iya, Gouves and the approaches to the city of Rovies. The vice-mayor of the municipality of the port of Mantudi and m. Agia Anna Argiris Liyaskos said: “200 firefighters from Ukraine and Romania helped us invaluable, who went straight into the flames upon arrival. everything would have burned down. We owe them. We learned from them. “

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