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Little “secrets” of the buffet (for tourists)

Many tourists consider the presence of a buffet to be beneficial and attractive. Is this really so or do hotels benefit from such a service? All about the hidden tricks of the buffet, which twist tourists “around the finger”.

Cookware size

Huge cups against the background of small plates – a familiar picture? You won’t be able to put a lot of food on a tiny plate, and besides, waiters won’t have to fiddle with half-eaten food. The savings from thoughtfully small portions will be used with success at the next meal. A large cup evens out the size of the plate – a sign that they treat you generously.


The amount of vegetables, rice and potatoes available should not be misleading – these products are purchased in bulk, and therefore their price is low. The more expensive meat and fish are usually cut into too small pieces, in accordance with their cost.

Expensive food is usually replenished late. The queue for empty containers awaiting filling is not to everyone’s liking. Therefore, people take cheaper food so as not to waste time waiting for what is available.

The cost of a buffet for an establishment

In comparison with the usual service with the help of the menu, the buffet is more profitable for the institution: the products are mainly purchased in bulk, the assortment is standard. So, offering tourists a buffet, the institution pursues its own benefit.

Why air conditioners often fail

The buffet is usually served in a hot environment. The reasons for the allegedly inoperative air conditioners are commonplace – in addition to free food, visitors take more drinks and ice cream, which are paid additionally. In addition, you will free the table as soon as possible, not wanting to linger in a stuffy room. For the same reason, there is no TV or Internet access in the hall.

Secrets of the comfort of devices

Please note that devices for more expensive dishes will be as inconvenient as possible, not allowing you to quickly put the right amount of food. With cheap ones, on the contrary, for fries, for example, convenient tongs are offered, and for rice – a voluminous spoon.

Is the buffet really beneficial

Tourists should understand that the hotel will never offer services to the detriment of its profits. The cost of the buffet is already included in the price of the voucher, and most likely not a single tourist will be able to eat the paid amount of food. However, the choice of service, as they say, is voluntary.

Based on materials from travelask.

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