April 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Osteochondrosis – a sentence or a problem to be solved

Admit it honestly – do you read these lines, huddled at a table with a computer or “drowning” in an easy chair? Have you been sitting like this for several hours? Then this article is definitely for you, because you are confidently moving towards the diagnosis indicated in the title – osteochondrosis.

And believe me, the goal will be achieved very quickly. And if you periodically frown from back pain and stand more comfortable with your shoulders lowered and your back bent, then it is likely that osteochondrosis has already come close. It’s a shame, but we strive for this disease ourselves, day after day and year after year, neglecting prevention and stubbornly refusing any physical activity. If the diagnosis has already been determined, we will try to figure out what can be done in this situation.

Like any disease, osteochondrosis is best treated at an early stage. It is important that it is correct and comprehensive. Among the main methods that the doctor selects depending on the severity of the disease, it should be noted:

Drug treatment – helps to relieve pain, eliminate the inflammatory process, adjust the metabolism of cartilage and bone tissue; Therapeutic gymnastics – strengthens muscles and forms their correct corset, increases efficiency. It is important to take into account that therapeutic exercises exclude sudden movements, jumps, twisting, since they are developed taking into account the state of the spine. They are performed at a slow pace, in the presence of pain – in the supine position, the intensity increases gradually. Therefore, fitness, for example, cannot replace remedial gymnastics. Manual therapy is a direct effect on muscles, ligaments, blood vessels to restore their functions. It normalizes metabolism, improves blood circulation, and increases muscle tone. Manual influence is one of the most effective methods in this situation, conservatively restoring the natural position of the discs and vertebrae. Thanks to manual procedures, muscle tension is relieved, migraines and headaches, numbness of the upper extremities disappear. Under one important condition: a specialist with “crusts” of a masseur who has completed a monthly course is not an assistant here – unprofessional treatment can cause irreparable harm. Traction of the spine – stretching it with the help of special equipment. It is carried out in a hospital setting and requires prolonged bed rest. Surgical intervention is necessary for about 0.3% of patients diagnosed with osteochondrosis. It is applied only if all conservative methods proved to be powerless to correct the situation. As a rule, the indications for surgery are paralysis of the extremities, paresis and paralysis of the sphincters of the rectum and bladder, muscle atrophy in the absence of functional activity of the root of the corresponding nerve.

Osteopathic doctor Sergei Eleutheriadis.
Address: Aphroditis 11 Paleo Faliro.
Mob: 6979318267 viber.

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